Drückmaschine, PREMO 600, Abacus GmbH, Metalldrücken

The desire for new functions

To be honest: technology inspires us. Our engineers' hearts always beat a little faster when they put an idea into practice. And if this results in an innovative customer benefit, then the boss is happy too.

Additional swivelling axis on the main turret

The freely programmable angle position, which can also be swivelled during machining, ensures an optimum flow of force on the workpiece. This leads to an optimised sickling process and enables higher speeds and feed rates. The result is a better surface quality over the entire contour and less wear on the spinning roller. This means that several radii can be utilised on one spinning roller. All this is possible within a swivelling range of 90 to 30 degrees.


Our turret offers versatile and almost unlimited possibilities for holding insertion aids, cutting knives, flanging, flanging and embossing rollers and other auxiliary tools. As an option, the turrets can be equipped with driven tools so that engraving, drilling and even complex milling work can be carried out on the PREMO spinning machine. The "engraving or milling technology" software package can be customised to our customers' requirements.

Multifunctional axis

The roller works synchronised with the turret at any angle and in any position and can be programmed for distance and/or force. This patented highlight takes the word "sharp-edged" to a new dimension when raising - even at 90 degrees.


The automation of the PREMO series is the logical step towards increasing productivity and system efficiency and therefore the overall added value. The automation (software package: PREMO-Automation), which has already been used several times and implemented in our control system, guarantees optimised production. The result is perfect harmonisation of the individual production steps through to the smooth "choreography" of the processes, waiting positions and placement of the workpieces. Immediate notifications of faults in the system or excessive tolerance deviations in the workpieces can be sent by SMS or e-mail. This enables prompt troubleshooting and therefore the fastest possible resumption of the production process.

Laser assisted spinning

To mark the 25th anniversary of Abacus Maschinenbau, a complex project was successfully completed with the Fraunhofer Institute in 2016. In this research project, a laser was integrated into a series machine in order to be able to process even difficult-to-form materials in a single operation. In particular, the software connection and the complex safety technology were the biggest challenges, which we optimally implemented in the Abacus manner.


PREMO spinning machines have a modular design - and that offers many advantages. As the customer, you determine the configuration of your machine. This means you only buy the function and performance you need for your product. Contact us, we look forward to working with you to design the machine of your dreams.